Photo of the Week / UK



Life threw a few job-related curveballs at me recently. After the initial panic the dust settled and I graciously adopted a “devil may care” attitude while tending to my photography. I simply cannot fathom why you’re not allowed to take pictures of the tempting curves of an architectural wonder, such as St Paul’s Cathedral, the world’s second largest cathedral (after St Peter’s in Rome), despite having already paid the quite steep entry fee of £18. So I repeatedly have been warned for stepping out of line taking concealed snapshots. Well, tough…

Laziness has to have its limits. Life has a tendency to get in the way of my creativity
in unexpected ways, which usually comes with the appropriate measure of guilt for getting
out of the habit of posting regularly and letting down my faithful followers.
Expect more posts over the next few weeks. Stay tuned. 

This post is in response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: Curve.
For more pictures visit my gallery here

6 thoughts on “Curves

  1. Pingback: Curve (Rose) | What's (in) the picture?

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