Photo of the Week



Admiration is inherently complex and can take many forms; it’s usually bound in respect or mere pleasurable contemplation, but it’s always directed towards something we regard as impressive. I have endless admiration for people with dedication and perseverance, who are willing to push their own boundaries; who don’t except the limitations that come from age, lack of knowledge or physical issues; who refuse to except something that can be helped, and work tirelessly to make that change happen. I’m happy to have a partner who’s pushing his limits in many different ways. He’s an aspiring writer, an avid runner, an epic nerd who actively seeks opportunities to make the world a better place. A few years ago he set a goal to run a marathon, and I’m happy to have been there when he finished it, which (as it later turned out) was only his first.

This post is in response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: Admiration.
For more pictures visit my gallery here

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  1. Pingback: Admiration (Flower Parade 2) | What's (in) the picture?

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